Thursday, April 28, 2011

spleen and abdomen.

Anti-drug and food presentation
1, Tremella
】 【Taste of Meridian, sweet; into the heart, lung, kidney and stomach.
【Yin and moistening effect Indications, benefits gas stomach. attending lung and stomach yin deficiency-induced thirst, constipation, dry throat, dry cough, hemoptysis, Yin-chun loss and uneven menstruation and other diseases of women.
】 【therapeutic role to enhance human immunity Tremella polysaccharide that can motivate in vivo B cell transformation, merely also stimulate T cell function, alike to the movement of selectins (L ectin), is a rare immune enhancer.
【Note】 Tremella of profit and greasy, cold Tan Yong Sheng who cough and wet Shensi; deterioration is not edible fungus, to discourage poisoning.
2, onion
】 【character, savor and lukewarm, spicy; into the heart, spleen and stomach.
【Indications】 divergent effect of cold, warm the yang, digestion of pork, reanimating and healthy, Sanyu detoxification. attending exogenous cold sweat-free, nasal congestion, dyspepsia meager appetite, Sushi Needless, hypertension, high cholesterol, diarrhea, dysentery, etc. disease.
】 【divergence cold medical efficacy and leaves involve a kind of onion called curing of the volatile oils of propylene with Xiangla Wei Xin, this material can be chilly, against influenza virus, there namely a lusty bactericidal role.
【Note】 onion Xin Wen, fever patients Shensi; onions contain Xiangla Wei madden the eyes, suffering from eye diseases, should not cut onions.
3, loofah
【 ],[Tan Chuan cough, intestinal air anal fistula, carbuncle swollen sore treatment, women no less than breast and other cancers.
】 【therapeutic role of anti-virus, anti-allergy gourd extract (LO43) was aboard the prevention of JE virus infection virus ahead the injection of L043, the conservation rate up to 60% to 80%. in the gourd extract tissue civilization media was also disapprove of a substance with anti-diarrhea basis alkyd, which has a strong anti-allergic effects.
【Note Notes】 loofah cold slip, and more edible prone to cause diarrhea, can not be dined raw.
4, cauliflower
【Alias】 cauliflower, broccoli.
】 【Taste of Meridian, sweet; into the kidney , spleen and stomach.
【Indications】 Bushentianjing effect, head bone, spleen and stomach. Indications Jiubingtixu, limb atrophy soft, ringing in the ears, forgetfulness, spleen and stomach for well as conditions such as growth stupidity in children. 】 【therapeutic effect
enhance immune function of vitamin C content of cauliflower tall, not only profitable to person growth and evolution, more importantly, can amend immune function and promote liver detoxification, improve people's physical fitness, additional disease resistance .
【Note】 cauliflower cooking have to be well, cooking, and salt time not too long so as not to lose and devastate anti-cancer nutrients.
5, Brassica juncea
【Taste Tropism】 and warm, sweet Xin; hepatic, stomach, kidney.
【Indications】 detoxification swelling effect, appetizers absorption, Wenzhong Li gas. eyesight Lee diaphragm. carbuncle heeding sore larynx, breast every full nausea, cough, sputum, eyes and ears of listening loss, swollen gums, bad, constipation and other omens.
【function】 detoxification diet detoxification swelling Brassica juncea has the power, resistant to infection and prevention of diseases, inhibit the toxicity of bacterial toxins, to promote wound healing can be accustomed to support treatment of infectious diseases.
【Care Recipe fried lily Brassica juncea Brassica juncea, pickles 3O0 grams, 200 grams of fresh lily. ambition Potherb wrench water washed, tear nice, lily wash stand. boil hot, sesame oil until the oil scalding troughs twelve months hot, increase Brassica juncea stir fry 2 to 3 minutes, then multiplication Lily fry, slightly water, below the measure of salt seasoning, stir till cooked Lily, that is can pot plate. This menu has the detoxification swelling, heat Chufan effect. seemly to a large number of infected patients with inert appetite caused by antibiotics, those in poor taste as human expense. mediocre folk can eat.
【Note Brassica juncea, with a colossal digit of issues】 crude fiber, not cozy to digestion, digestive dysfunction, kid should not eat.
6, cabbage ball
】 【Taste of Meridian, sweet; hepatic, stomach.
【Indications】 afflict myogenic effect,shanghai escort, wide intestinal catharsis, Qi tonic. treating gastric and duodenal ulcer disease in early afflict, accustomed constipation, vitamin deficiency disease occasioned along jaws ulcers.
】 【therapeutic effect, enhance immunity, anti-cancer kohlrabi contains ascorbic acid, up apt 76 mg per 100 grams, likewise rich in vitamin E, both have enhanced immune function. kohlrabi in the indole, can be evoked in the absorbent tract in a metabolic enzyme, so that the inactivation of carcinogens, kohlrabi contains trace ingredients molybdenum, can inhibit the synthesis of ammonium nitrite, which has a definite anti-cancer effect.
【Care Cabbage Recipe Cabbage ball 300 grams of vinegar. the cabbage balls washed, peeled, sliced; set each on a pan, pour the oil pan, to Qicheng hot, dumped into the stir-fried cabbage slices, vinegar, soy sauce,toronto escorts, nail After the kettle fluorescent panel. tray sour fragile and refreshing, with Jie Ji pain, blood stasis and the power of new students, can be used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers and pain.
Top】 【Note entities such as the use of Brassica treatment of duodenal ulcer, not fried also familiar to students mingled with food as nice or tangled taken into account.
7, Houttuynia
】 【character, taste spicy, slightly cold; the lung, bladder and large intestine.
【Indications】 detoxification effect, eradicate phlegm inflammation carbuncle, swelling Tonglin diuretic. Indications Hyperactivity cough, lung abscess pus spit,beijing escort, throat insect, heat dysentery, malaria, edema and carbuncle swollen sore, peppery shower, eczema, prolapse and other diseases.
】 【therapeutic effect
(1) antibacterial activity: Houttuynia contained Houttuyfonate, lauryl aldehyde,Russian amusement museum does no permit you strive apt the impossible, methyl is nonyl ketone, ethylene and quercetin glycosides Hong, Houttuynia base of the volatile oil components of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus, Shigella, Pseudomonas,shanghai massage, Proteus, vice E. coli, gram-positive Bacillus Dengjun have a certain inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus stronger role. Experimental results show that S. aureus Juice Houttuynia significantly inhibit the role of depressed heating.
(2) antiviral : Houttuynia decoction in vitro, Section 68-1 of the Beijing strains of virus prohibition. and can tarry the ECHO 11 virus-induced cytopathic effect. portion of its non-volatile oil, were injected intraperitoneally infected with influenza virus FM1 small experiment mice have significant preventive effect, by oral alternatively nasal administration have a certain effect day 1, take 2 periods.
【Note】 Deficiency of the Constitution and boils neoplasms, are chill, no swelling heat pain, ought no take.

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