Thursday, April 28, 2011

rustic life

Premier: energy saving and environmental protection, increase the intensity of
PRC Beijing March 5 (Xinhuanet Zhang Li): 9 am, at the Great Hall of the conference, the prologue, Premier Wen Jiabao In the administration go report that this year is the completion of br> Wen said, an implementation of the electricity, steel, concrete, coal and papermaking industries and exclude backward making capacity intend. to create exit machinery for the disposal of backward product capability, amend and appliance policies and measures supporting closing a commerce. Second, we ambition converge aboard business stamina maintenance and construction of key projects. build up the ten key energy preservation projects. increase the urban sewage dispose capacity and strive to 2 years in 36 large cities of sewage accumulation and handling. an appropriate increase in sewage charges, sewage manipulation and waste charges treatment fee criteria. amend and strictly enforce building standards, and vigorously promote energy-saving wall substances and construction. steady progress in the urban heating system and the reform of public utilities. Third, the evolution and promotion of protection, substitution, recycling use of resources and control pollution of the perfected appropriate technology, the implementation of major energy saving technologies and demonstration projects. to amplify energy services industry and environmental protection industries. development of air energy, solar and other neat, renewable energy. Fourth, success of the and according the Three Gorges Reservoir and Songhua River pollution control and other opener work of Bohai Sea Environmental Protection to implement the overall arrange. to enhance the water pollution in key river valleys national emission standards. fifth is to reinforce the protection of rural drinking water sources, rustic life, pollution control, agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Sixth, encourage and support the development of recycling economic and promote recycling of renewable resources. full implementation of cleaner production. VII is to improve land,shenzhen escort, water, grasslands, forests, ore resources protection and conservation of intensive use,then it namely momentous apt be a production of my individuality. know, severely crack down above confusion redundant digging and mining of mineral resources and other illegal deeds. improve the conservation and reasonable utilization of sailor resources, development of navy economic. strengthen meteorological, seismic, charting basic research and capacity creating. 8 is the implementation of citizen programs to address climate change and strengthen climate change capacity building . IX is to improve energy and resource conservation and environmental protection provocation mechanisms. Ten is the conception of ecological civilization, the entire society to muster all the people to participate in architecture a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.
advising of extreme weather: the ecology sounded the panic of human
recently, Saudi Arabia has always been the hot temperature capable unprecedented winter, morning and evening temperatures in the capital Riyadh to zero degrees Celsius, northern Rafha, Tabuk and other regions to reach a minimum temperature of minus 7 degrees Celsius, and the emergence of local rare frost, snow and trees hanging and so on. the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, come to the centuries of the 1st snow. In the annual average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius in Kuwait, the minimum temperature really dropped to minus 3 degrees Celsius.
In recent years, such as blizzards, cold, rain, heat waves and other extreme weather memorabilia occurring in the global increase in the frequency, intensity increased, the climate problem can not be ignored more and more agreeable a global problem .1 21 May, the World Health Director-General Margaret Chan noted namely the human effects of climate change by, even although climate change is gradual, incremental, but the shock of extreme weather events but can be sudden,toronto escorts, sharp. Climate change is a global public health is facing a important threat to the human community must take urgent action to address climate change impacts.
the so-called extreme weather events, is there fewer compared with the history of the small probability of weather and climate events. prevalent extreme weather reasoned a significant The reason is global warming. While the Gulf region underwent a infrequent cold spell buffet, and that seems to counteract the global warming, but the truth of global warming and regional cold are not contradictory. Global warming refers only to the overall global temperature was rising, and not rule out the local place where the cold.
temperature reached 22 degrees Celsius; Canada has always been understood for the This ought be the coldest season, some countries are wearing short-sleeved pedestrians, bears do not hibernate, forget the migratory birds, factories germinate in the winter, no sleet can be sleek High Ski Resort.
climate change namely not merely unusual chilly and lukewarm winter, but also led apt the summer heat waves, sea level ascend, isle countries, the north and south polar ice melting. torrents, droughts and additional utmost weather events addition,toronto escort, the formation of a direct threat to people survival. According to statistics, in the quondam 20 years, the number of normal catastrophes worldwide has additional by 3 periods. the early 80s of final centenary, universal mean of 120 each annual from normal disasters, and immediately has increased from almost 500 a year. affected in the quondam 20 years the number additional at 68% 1985 to-1994, the global average of 174 million per year for the affected population; and 1995-2004, the average year increase to 254 million affected population. Global weather change namely at one unprecedented rate, affecting about each corner of the earth, every people.
2007, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change appraisal report loosened, if necessary care to the human environment, to the end of the century, estimated that average temperatures will rise by up to 6.3 degrees Celsius. Scientific research shows that whether the average temperature increase of 3 degrees Celsius, In Asia solo, there are extra than 700 million people face each year floods, the world will have 1 million more people into edible absences; whether temperatures rise 4 degrees Celsius, the earth has more than 30 million people will face water absences, North USA by the number of heat waves will increase by 3 to 8 times,escorts toronto, the Arctic sea ice will be reduced 35%.
frequent extreme weather, is the wake-up call to the human nature! life of every human on Earth, should participate in defense nature of fighting, make their own efforts, from the tiny entities approximately the mitigation of climate warming in the process.
Source: Internet

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