Friday, April 22, 2011

r it I mentioned

Thirty-fifth chapter of his friend Pinocchio tuna said farewell to the shark's stomach Mo Zhaohei, always the way to distant away in the faint light flickering walking step at tread. He walked away amenable, merely apt find their feet on the slippery greasy puddle. The water oily fish favor the smell made him feel for if Lent. The more he walked, the more light the fire, the extra remove. He walked and walked, and eventually come to. hh as he came close him, yet penetrate what occurred? let a thousand times on a suspect of you, not even muse of you guessed. He saw a small chart, above them the edible, there namely a lit candle stuck in a green cup flask. by the chart sat a mini age male, cilia and beard white for sleet, alternatively pearly sliced ​​bread. The mini age man was there to nibble some crazy fish. These small fish are also active, and occasionally he buffet eating eating jumped out of his mouth. meager Pinocchio saw this person, quickly felt overjoyed, about to be passed out, He wanted to laugh, and he cry, he would like to say many, many, it can outcome only audible a pass, stammered someone without pate no tail, the preface language would not fight after. Finally, he virtually administered one ejection of cheers, open arms, flapping in the elapse round the little old man's neck, exclaimed: ; ! You have excused me, this is not true? Oh! my dad, how nice you are! hh Think approximately it, yet I was so hh Oh! Unfortunately, at the peak of you know how many fell aboard my split at full explosion head, I met many cursed things ah! you calculate about it, my poor father, you sold the day of your shirt, bought me a primer so I work to educate, I go to slip puppet show, puppet troupe level teacher wanted me to go into a bombard baked lamb him that. Then he gave me is 5 gold, inquired me to bring it family to you. But I met a fox and a cat They took me to the red shrimp hotels l r, where they devour, and then I left the hotel 1 night, the bandits ran into the two killings. They chase me. I ran later them, I scamper hard, they are hard to regain . I ran and ran, chasing later them ah. Finally they caught me, and I hung a huge oak tree branch. Then one day the pretty blue-haired fairy sent a motorcar to me salvaged. doctor to see after me and now said: l If he is not dead, it is still living. r At this period I suddenly told a prevaricate, my nose grew up, and looks even the gate also can not get out. Then I with the fox and cats to plant four gold coins. a gold coin has been spent in the hotel. a parrot laugh from me. I did not get the 2 thousand gold coins, yet nobody was confused. The justice heard that I had stolen, swiftly put me in prison, so that thieves were merry. out of the prison, I see the ground a string of good grapes. results to animal cage caught. planter I have each reason to put a dog collar, let me guard the chicken Shí. until he knew I was innocent, took me let go. a snake tail cloud laugh, laughing abdomen explosion a vein all. So I went back home a smart fairy, but she die. pigeons see me tearful, said to me: l I saw your father a ship to find you. r I said to it: l Oh! that I had wings like a! r it I said : l you calculate your father there to do? r I said: l think excellent! who sent me to go? r he said to me: l I send you to. r I said to it: l how to get to France it ? r he said to me: l to mount on my behind. r so we flew all night. was dawn, and all the fishermen looked at the sea, they said to me: l have a poor man sitting on a boat , the boat is sinking, r I melodrama all the way that you immediately acknowledge, because my heart told me so, so I gestured to phone you back to the coast hh Peto said, where, immediately swim over to me, put out his tongue to grab up with me, a swallow me, like swallowing a dumpling-like Bologna, Pinocchio queried. Where did you get this candle? matches candle to you who is? . seafarers are all saved, but the warship sank to the base. This excellent appetite as sharks this daytime, I'll swallow, swallow the boat but likewise to the hh asked in surprise. the canned meat, biscuits, cake, dry, bottles of brandy, raisins, cheese, coffee, sugar, candles and boxes of matches, I thank God grace, I can live because two years, but immediately I have eaten light, then nought, and you see this lit the candles? it is my last one hh Among the. slipped out of the shark's mouth, jump into the sea wade. my shoulder. I am a swimmer, you can sit safely take you to the shore. you are such a puppet, only one measure tall, you think you have the strength to carry me swim? comfort. the stomach via the shark. can come to demons such as their larynx, they want to await alternatively stop, premier blotted a good chance to get out afresh. Now you have to know, the shark was too old, joining, harm asthma and heart disease, nap had opened his mouth, so Pinocchio, looking up from the pharynx, the person can see the open mouth out of a colossal and exceedingly beautiful moonlit sky. climb according the sea monster's larynx, went to the Titanic's mouth there and started to walk on tiptoe on the tongue. It was huge and long tongue, like the garden of the road. they have been standing there, is preparing hard hard hop, bounce the sea to swim, you can at this moment, the shark sneezed. it severely Xi Kouqi first sneeze. it an inspiration, Pinocchio and Geppetto gave suck go back and fell inside the monster's belly. They threw a big somersault. candle went out, father and son were with him on a linger in darkness. babies, now we all over. I come, do not be terrified. rows of teeth, hop in a harsh, before the puppet of his father, said: sit, Pinocchio to be sure to jump over the water and swim up. quiet sea waves. The moon issued a full luster. Sharks continue to ease to nap, slumber so well, and even opened artillery bombardment also wake it.

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