Wednesday, April 27, 2011

restaurants and section walls among the main bedroom with curved design

Housing Basics: Xu Hui Austria have 4 A units, the aggregate area: layer area of ​​69, comprising one area of ​​52.
Unit Type: One Bedroom, housing type: Residential.
Owners are:
The size of the aboriginal size for the bed room dormitory, hoping to design Bedroom, blank high as 3 meters, hoping to make full use of space, designed to be unique and novel, and looks uncomplicated and shipshape air, which is shaped in the size of a , to entirely test the class of the designer.
functional requirements:
2 bedrooms, a main bedroom, a 客卧 (can be accustomed as study, afterward a infant, as the children's room), 2 bedroom storage space have to be huge, chromatic point, the bedroom wallpaper, the wall of the living room is best to paint a picture, Ha ha ha, open-style kitchen, bathroom to wet and dry disjunction, the overall color to be shine and simple, you can make more use of size of the surround and story (3 meters) make a fuss. now the two people, the parents can come to live, no pets, but afterward would like to reserve at home some factories alternatively flowers can also be considered as portion of the design, such as reserve the flowers on the wall, oh, what fish can be raised. I asked a little bit more, Ha ha ha!
design theme: marine
design style:
case design for the modern minimalist neatness .
Design Notes:
structural point of outlook from the apartment employers should be queried to do the adjustment, the original bathroom, the kitchen the same rank, made one additional change the pattern, size may be small, but each functional area are To have, Massachusetts is small, but with entire five apparatuses.
1, shoes foyer designed a cabinet, right side mirror, easy access to closet changing his shoes, arranging clothing appearance.
2, restaurants and section wall between the master bedroom with curved design, resulting in a concave convex two complementary space, a dining area to do, to do the master bedroom and another room, so space is large dining area.
3, the alive apartment does not alteration large sofa apply custom, sofa is curved, so do no consume space.
4, the kitchen is open, the use of mobile artery space in kitchen treatment. to make room for further enhancement.
5, bathroom chart divide area because the wet and dry, washing machine, bathe basin outdoor, toilet, shower comprised, since this is extra handy to use, extra complete.
6, master bedroom design using curves into a dead space, read, go area, when the master bedroom are also arranged an all wall of storage space, to use more convenient and practical.
7, children's room by the balcony had a desk, perusing, learn area, the bed body design with the platform , so that the child's activities, rest, learn space into an, space is more merciful. but too designed a large cache locker.
design theme:
case design theme: Ocean
home is favor a haven, to rest, loosen, you asylum from the storm, and their families a happy area to live, to make human feel comfortable, comfortable, warm. this circumstance the canteen place of ​​the bend using the same black blue to light blue walls a gradient, like a sign from close to far sea, sky and sea mixture, which reflects the depth and width of the sea, people's feeling easeful, agreeable, broad, clean. S-type curve is favor the sea activity in the waves from drifting, people forget every now and then prompted of things past, I muse of sweet memories, the mood will be floating from the starting. canteen light produced by shells, together with the wall shape and color, so eating people feel that they enjoy the savory, like the sea coast. pantry is like a sail in the sea of ​​the warship,beijing escort, carrying the hopes,toronto escort, thoughts and nightmares, achieve their goals. the waves buffet opposition the ship strings, vexed many spray. on the sofa reflects the backdrop at this point, the wall using a alignment of cup and mirror, so that there is a dispersed sense of space, extended sense, pattern, like waves, like changing patterns. the overall agenda, people feel complete co-integration As to the sea, the mood occasionally calm,You may calculate it namely agreeable times, sometimes surging, so the deep sea disc occurred. people put the oppression back home, forget the weight of life, feel the ocean wide, wide.
case more of a design theme: Austria is the land
Xu Hui Xu Hui 4, A Unit A Unit 4, Olympic all Olympic all 4 Xu Hui Xu Hui A Unit A Unit 4, Olympic all Radiant Austria 4 A units are Xu Hui Olympic all 4 A Austria all units Xu Hui Xu Hui 4, A Unit A Unit 4, Olympic all Olympic all 4 Xu Hui Xu Hui A Unit A Unit 4, Olympic all

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