Wednesday, April 27, 2011

rational to set up the hospital

Twenty-nine Save the Earth workshop (1)
2009.4.26 Seoul
titles phrase: this momentous symposium, issued at the Association's leader Mr. Zheng Shengxuan maneuver sponsored by the YMCA, recently published, the announcement of a main go, the worldwide best-selling paperback caption, edition. The book speedily topped South Korea's largest bookstore fetter, retention our planet!
participants included concerned inhabitants, government officials, scientists, journalists, spiritual practitioners, artists, writers and dignitaries. For example, members of Congress Lixi Xuan and Jiang Chang a; the United Nations non-profit union, the World Meteorological Organization, a director of Cheng Chun President; Australian Animal Veterinary Compaq psychic Pakistan; River where the native adviser of Military Manpower Administration, cum Korea Brigadier General Mr. Jin Rongkui; renowned children's writer and spokesman, Mr. Yin Jixuan; Vice President of the Law Society of Korea, and the very Countermeasures Committee Mr. Huang Haojun.
Master also invited as honorary guests to partake in the video, animal diet ingredients. Now please watch the video replay in 9 episodes: April 26, 2009 Seoul, South Korea, , Mr. President, distinguished guests, welcome you to visit Seoul by the Supreme Master Television live audience. hope that this timely and important meeting to convey to you the status of the earth the message of great significance. We are honored to host this conference this p.m., (man) I'm Chris, (feminine) I Feng Jiang Hong. In today's meeting, we will argue the conservation of the environment and adore for all life fathom. as revealed by the theme to help us detect and save their own access, and we love to hold this special meeting is the Supreme Master Ching Zhu Qinghai world best-selling book, In all the only the only planet in harmony.
President, ladies, first a terse introduction to your special guests today: well-known philanthropist, spiritual director, popular poet, cum-artist. Nianyu years of Supreme Master Ching Hai is committed to helping people around the plight of its charitable work for the benefit of millions of people, so the O is known as the East conquered six Nobel Peace Prize Gu prestige Peace Prize. Over the years South Korea has again underwent Supreme Master Ching Hai caring assistance, such as the Daegu subway misadventure, rice typhoon, Li typhoon, etc., she often sent generous relief to disaster rescue group to immediately invest important assistance. Ching Hai Supreme Master Ching Hai also take the lead to help us because of the global warming issue, the idea of ​​the simplest and most forcible way to save the Earth and all life. She has been invited to participate in international meetings, and the world's scientists, politicians, journalists, leaders people to study and global warming of the matter. she proposed to residence global warming, the most simple and most effective way is to adopt a compassionate love food that is vegan, scientists have also admitted. Supreme Master Ching Hai author of 3 competition international bestseller, She illustrated in these works, exposing the animals with love and heavenly nature, inspired countless people more compassionate management of animals. My venture mm Toba brothers brothers Former South Korean Meteorological Administration Director Zheng Chun A, animal psychics Compaq Bass, MD, and distinguished guests, welcome and thank you for catching the delivery of space to save the planet to participate in 2 seminars OO nine years. In appending, I am deeply grateful, mm Toba my brothers Books morale of environmental protection. We published Today's accident planning, public awareness of animal rights and environmental protection. Now everyone knows that . However, the worsening of climate pollution, and others said, drawing students now when the sky drew gray, not blue. In truth, in this century, the Earth's average temperature rose, 0.74 degrees Celsius, sea class yearly rise of 1.8 mm, is expected to rise in this century up to 59 cm. In increase, melting of Arctic ice the past two years from ten times the rate increased to fifteen times. OO nine of today's second conference to save the planet, I hope we can further Discussion of how to overcome the global warming emergency, but also sincerely hope that today's meeting will paint on collective sagacity, put forward to solve the two major crises in the world today, the economy crisis and climate change. Finally, I want to thank guests, all advanced and readers who are here today, I'd like thank the Ministry of the Environment staff to support the activities of the Preparatory hard employees, love life and the preservation of the Earth Action on Animal Rights Association members.
Moderator: Mr. Xie Xiezheng insightful speech, but also thank you for hosting this Shenju Save the Earth workshop sense. President, ladies and thank you to the warm applause of young social publishing company and Cheng, thank you. here today, there are a few special guests, and we are honored to have Mr. Li Xixuan incumbent, Mr. Lee four terms as translator, he is also king administrative of environmental management is very acute on environmental protection work, please welcome Mr. Li Xixuan for us to say a few words.
Li Xixuan: hosting this important meeting of the Youth Society publishing company chairman Cheng Sheng-hyun, distinguished guests and assembly friends here today Hello everyone! very honored and to be here, I am Mr Li Xixuan Anyang City. In this sincerely congratulate the grand seminar was held to save the planet, to protect the environment and respect for all life, I am honored to invited participate in this special significance of the meeting. cause global warming of climate change, which is today one of the worst crisis of all mankind, if necessary stop climate change, all life on Earth, including humans will face tragedy, the international community to begin of efforts to curb global warming. Since as Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations will be of global warming as the most important issue, then the other hand, South Korea it? of climate change in China is restricted to the learned field, the business community do not want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Most people do not know the seriousness of global warming, so today's issue of great significance. because it will remind us of the seriousness of global warming and help to find solutions, leading citizen mobilization, I am most pleased that have the opportunity to ask the Supreme Master cleaning, she is the love life of the world-personage, the international best-selling book, I recently read this book, which describes the true averaging of love bird mow, I was surprised and touched, before that I was not amused in birds, I achieved that after reading the lives of small animals, like people, valuable. Ten years ago I wrote a green children's books, entitled . would like to wish the General Assembly as protect the global environment and human life, a milestone in the future, thank you!
Moderator: Thank you, Mr Lee's message. We are honored to have another Member of Parliament Mr. Jiang Changyi visit, Mr. Jiang served as legislators due to athletic public service, picked 6 years in the O people all the best members, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Jiang Changyi speech for us.
Kang Chang-One: Hi, I'm from Jeju Island, I Chang Jiang is one, is the incumbent members of Congress from Cheju Island, Cheju Island is the world's most beautiful places in the world clean. am glad to say hi, congratulate you for participating in this two day workshop to save the planet nine OO. like sincere greetings to you honored guests, and to noble deeds you express extreme gratitude. I sincerely bless the Youth Society published by Master Publishing Company's We respect all sentient beings, concerned about global warming as part of and current members of Congress, I am very grateful facing humanity in the twenty-first century quickly changing climate at this time, holding this seminar seeks to protect the environment and living beings in reaction to countermeasures. the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, O seven report in April said: If global warming continues to temperatures of 2050 degree Celsius rise in half twice and a half, there will be two to three percent of plant and animal category, three billion people suffer water absences by the Arctic ice will disappear for all that the world's largest cities will be overran Qicheng, we should draw on collective wisdom to identify the countermeasures. I think this seminar is held at this time We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to Cheng Chun A former South Korean Meteorological Administration, the Australian Veterinary Compaq Bath and active around the world, efforts to curb global warming of the well-known philanthropist cum-spiritual leader of Supreme Master Ching Hai, discuss climate change solutions way. we live in the land does not belong to us, we are just residing, and I am a professor of history, we will not rush to the archaeological and the gravedigger, although a human grave, we are only managers. However, the human But his best wanton destruction of responsibility, we must stop whichever damage to the environment, not only suffer themselves, future generations will damn enhancement. Therefore, we must heave people's environmental awareness, in harmony with nature is our hope, we must work together to fulfill this goal. If you at the meeting whichever invaluable suggestions, as you can see Li Xixuan Members also here, mm our politicians will attempt to make to accomplish.
Finally, thanks to youth publication company, Cheng Sheng-hyun today that the preparations Field profound and memorable event, but also a sense of Xiejiang Yuan Road, Director of Military Manpower Administration, Jin Rongkui great help. I must talk to him, that he personally had a very special story, and Ms. Tan Hong Xi is four years old my know, I know they have been very hard, and we will work with you to make the greatest effort to once again thank the distinguished guests, family sincerely wish you peace, thank you.
Moderator: Thank you, Mr. Jiang Changyi. community leaders of special note sectors is the politicians, responsible for saving the planet with large duty to protect people's lives, thanks to help mobilize too sincerely thank the Korean Ministry of Environment official support of the workshop, and continued efforts to save the planet for future generations, we are here today to thank all of the important visitors and dignitaries, correspondents, scientists,toronto escorts, and progressive mastery in all places, we also sincerely thank the presence of All participants, concern for the surroundings and adore, I am credited to have you here. Yes, the Korean administration and the leaders are highly concerned about the recent problem of climate change, the global governor and amplified countries are actively present opener issues and to act quickly . now hear to the leaders of the global warming of the global direct the focus of Chen.
now forthcoming, the decision was;
I am confident that you will make a wise choice to cope with global warming of; < br> Scientists also said very apparently that climate change as his wounds impair;
can break trillion in assets;
we have the climate crisis, the plenary planet at hazard;
we are very close to the ruddy advising line We may wake up tomorrow, but found to have incurable;
we have a real hang in the poise, it is clear that climate change inevitable, and brought the conflict, privation, etc.;
If we do not doing now, climate change will exacerbate conflicts approximately;
I believe that climate change is the only way to completely destroy the strength of world civilization;
you will face catastrophe after different;
climate change is caused by extreme climate disaster , for jungle bombards and additional disasters;
sea-level rise, food costs are rising, to the scatter of disease, climate change is caused by us;
Let us work together to solve the challenges we face is to allow others to clear;
must be serious in response to inevitable climate change, the release of production and consumption of meat is a big amount of carbon emissions;
extra than all the cars, trucks, boats release of carbon emissions;
unless we change their diet the other would be useless, because most of the mutton dispose of forests, pollution of water sources are mutton, is meat causes the ailment, guiding to all the money must be secondhand in the hospital, anyone who wants to save the world, vegetarian is your alternative; < br> how to produce the edible we dine and what edible we dine stake;
anything will affect the environment, production of beef, the most disastrous, we eat too many meat;
the root of the climate issue: that eating meat!
meat and even endanger human health;
today to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the vegetarian way is definitely a very effective way;
I often vegetarian, vegetarian each of us can be done;
reverse climate change, the most simple and effective way to immediately vegetarian;
relatively low level of food to eat the food chain, has a great benefit to the environment;
choose a vegetarian, is really very simple;
at a time vegetarian or vegetarian more days;
climate alteration is no equitable the threat of the future will occur, yet the chance apt work together;
now would be put into operation;
what can I do? government help What? you help what? how we work together?
problem is at the moment and the future, what can we help?
individuals can train what you preach;
we need to do their part, as an individual through our choice, we purchase things;
if we understand and take the required measures, we have a better situation;
if you eat less meat, you will be more healthy, the earth will be more healthy; < br> people gradually learned to take care of the earth is personal responsibility.
our generation inherited a very beauteous world;
our babies, can have the same world, it was determined in our hands;
to Children can have a good quality of life on Earth, it is our responsibility;
battle climate change, we must have the gallantry and innovation;
less meat to send win-win situation, the future capability of the earth's six billion people only method is in harmony with nature, this is the only way.
Veg! Green! save our planet!
more pressing, please refer to the / sos
Moderator: As we have seen, we must be more alert and the situation is many worse than expected, global warming is the greatest risk of our repercussion to it has been too slow, due to climate changes during this lead to catastrophe, the Republic of Korea will not be spared, in the presence of you were spared. Now listen to Mr. Zheng Chunjia about Korea is affair, Mr. Zheng Chunjia is a former South Korean Meteorological Administration, has just stepped down in January this year, his completions awarded many awards. For example: Climate Change Award for exemplary leadership. his topic is: meeting, at odds with scientific evidence, to the presence of two members of Congress and shrieked for a vegetarian, you save the planet, talk of climate change and global warming, I was a Cheng Chun, a former Meteorological Bureau, retiring this year, January 19 . If members of Congress ZHENG Chang and Li Xixuan just a note, I will report that the United Nations inter-government Panel on Climate Change have done the research, entitled: before the Alps, I remember only about five or six years ago, about five or six years before the ice has melted in the picture, the picture was the same place at the same shooting season, I believe you have heard, on the spit Tuvalu's all. That is the Pacific islands, the country is now in danger of disappearing brim, not the causes of waves, leaving the sea-level rise. Therefore, everyone must be evacuated, the situation is so serious. the presence of you all know, climate change is a huge problem, more recently, been discussed frequently, we have about twenty to thirty years ago in the use of has detailed instructions, Zheng Sheng-hyun, chairman also unraveled that the the focus of the debate. Since then more care, I think we yet know the . Al. Gore's When Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize, we better understand the seriousness of this problem.
again is of Eight summit in Bali, such as mm, these phenomena in the show that we can no longer ignore it relevant to our security, than any solemn security problems, because it threatens the security of the entire planet. We outline the one to five degrees Celsius occurs when the individual circumstances, if the temperature rises five degrees Celsius, nearly all creatures become extinct, New York and Tokyo and other cities will be flooded, which is going to happen. Some people may question if this is a scientific foundation, and that the overstatement. However, if the temperature rise of these degrees, scientific simulations, the study is the circumstance, so that we are not also surprised.
next slip shows for each degree rise in temperature, what our country will face change, we will have a lot of changes, we will see barley of the In this three working groups, the first working group is responsible for assessing natural science foundation of the natural scientific basis of climate change to assess the attribution of climate change and evolution, providing evidence of global warming. because some people believe that the earth will still cool, scientific assessments on these issues, the first working group, natural science foundation team, made up to three thousand of the alternatives to adapt to climate change; third group is responsible for questions relative to climate change mitigation strategy.
we can subserve a decrease in carbon dioxide, methane and the oxidation of ammonia to eliminate carbon emissions and promote activities, such as sustainable stamina, is more urgent work, adaptation measures are also important. Therefore, to save the Earth, the three work in scientific research, adaptation and reduce carbon emissions, must complement each other. slides certificate, the Nobel Prize, just play the video in a cross-government master degree 帕卓里博士 Panel on Climate Change. He and three with him four hundred scientists share Nobel Prize to the terminal, three South Korean scientists shared the Nobel Prize, last year we sent a cross-government climate change Group, currently serves as the main level will be Sheng Lee, the other two were serving in the Bureau of Meteorology's right, Dr. Wan and Dr. Li Binglie Taiwan.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the focus of appraisal is that they observe the atmosphere and other climatic elements, concluded that global warming of the world is experiencing, even those who adhere to the global cooling of the scientists, but also agreed with the report of the results. The conclusions of the report also pointed out that global warming is based primarily caused by human activities, and now science has proven global warming of. To solve this problem, we need to predict the progress of global warming, so we need to research.
In addition, we also need to think, how adaptation and mitigation of global warming, we need to reduce greenhouse gases. In addition, when temperature rise, we need to learn the methods in harmony with nature, all of these methods must be integrated in all. Many people believe that carbon dioxide is the cardinal greenhouse gas, but we base that the oxidation of methane and ammonia, causing global warming than carbon dioxide is more of, Many are concerned about the recent focus on the impact of methane. thereby reducing the oxidation of methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia method is vegetarian, which is the general accordance around the world. Most of the oxidation of methane and ammonia from livestock production, most of the methane from livestock and factory emissions, surprisingly ruminants belch and release a lot of methane.
in the twentieth century, the temperature rise is less than 1 degree Celsius, but in the twenty-first century temperature rise is expected to be five to six degrees Celsius, and the weather has been broken model proved that in 2007, when we look at the content of greenhouse gases, you memorize the worst predicted values? it is higher than even the maximum value, carbon dioxide is March OPPM very high quantity of methane and .2007 than the oxidation of ammonia content in the maximum predicted mmPCC still high, but this is only statistics, mmPCC will gather data in the world to certify it and make conclusions.
I will talk about Greenland, if thought along to the characteristic model blend of the Greenland ice canvas would cause global sea-level rise from 7.2 to 7.6 meters, most cities will be submerged, Seoul will also be dipped, the problem is the Greenland ice sheet is blend, Greenland was originally a pearly ground, is now actually becoming the land, As its labels, when the ice melts, sea levels rose an average of more than seven meters. in the sea-level rise, we will experience the emulating phenomena, although higher than the latitude of Europe, but Europe is due to warmer than the Gulf Stream ,toronto asian escort, due to the Arctic Circle, Greenland high salinity waters approach the sink so the water is relatively cheap density of the seabed to become the driving force of ocean currents. So starting from the Arctic Ocean currents, if the Greenland ice page blend ice fjords of Norway, the sea salinity will be reduced, water will become salty, if a lot of cold water into the ocean, the water will not sink, accordingly ending the ocean currents. scientists study the Arctic sea, in mandate to understand its history, we can use the scientific method understanding of history. When they outlook the ice gist, we found that in the past have also been many times of global warming. If sea ice were to happen, what will happen in Europe? heating of the water will no longer be made in Europe to become colder, there are more severe tempests eastern, the latitude of the European higher than South Korea.
Therefore, the clash of its European region, production Europe very concerned about the shock of climate change, we may seriously learn the Northeast eastern regional impacts of climate change. when the world mean temperatures have risen 0.7 degrees Celsius, 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature amplify South Korea, is double the global mean, urbanization is the feasible causes of warming. But it is still very tall, rising sea temperatures, rainfall increase, although the rainfall has changed dramatically, As you know, we in the elapse annual, 4 another seasons. But these days, we merely during spring, summer autumn and winter days are short, only about twenty days. We see tropical butterflies and the largest apple growing district, has been pushed to other region, we have many scientific evidence. meteorological prototype forecast rainfall will increase by 17%, uncommon high-temperature days will substantially increase, uncommon cold day will greatly decrease, that is, the climate will convert more lukewarm ocean temperatures in East Asia directly affect us, it will change? ocean temperatures anticipated to ascend. as with we have recently seen the media report, the opportunity to fashion a super typhoon, and the feasibility of landing in South Korea pile up, imagine whether someone like Katrina's typhoon buffet us, what will occur? we need to arrange.
has long been foresaw, need to fundamentally change the traditional fishing countryside, high school textbooks written in the subtropical climate only covers the southern chapter of the seashore, including Cheju Island was originally sub-tropical climate. but the climate change model simulations showed, in addition to Taebaeksanmaek area to the northwardly with the White Mountains, all the regions will soon emerge subtropical climate. winter record will be reduced to 20 to 30 days, the final may not have winter, so we what to do to reduce greenhouse gases? to scientific research, as I said before is very important, as necessitated by the Kyoto Protocol, human work together to reduce greenhouse gas are also important. dioxide is released into the air when necessary to hundreds of years will perish, but only about a ten-year of methane, which method that even now we reduce carbon eruption sources, or even a meaningful abatement in our carbon eruption sources, we can only deduct from the speed of current global warming to some degree, can not be cooled to As before, this is the scientists deem. When we do our best to reduce carbon emissions,SARS pathogen namely numerous folk from Guangdong addicted apt eating civet cats. no equitable cive, we include the animals and plants, have to accustom to global warming of.
French Academy of Sciences report released last year that most can not adapt to the birds and animals, this point will be discussed today, why can not adapt to the most bird? because their homing instinct, like salmon struggling to find his way home, their homing instinct to try, although rising temperatures, but they did not adaptation of plants to adapt to nature, insects, and certainly proficient to adapt, but the bird very crisp, this is the report of that, I think the theme is very pertinent to today, we must think about how to adapt.
after sowing UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon out of a chat piece, is O seven report of January 17 interview, he seriously said that he, as Secretary-General in his profession the most important work of the global warming, I heard he am pleased that the South Korean government last August 15 to discuss news reports, the Arctic sea ice is shrinking, sea ice disappears, so the polar bears are forced into the water, this is the content of their reports, the global warming on the news of the situation is bad. So when you come forward to take vegetarian, not only can cut back on climate change of global warming is also a process of adaptation, because the vegetarian return to nature, in other words, when you put a vegetarian when you not only reduce carbon dioxide, methane and the oxidation of ammonia, but also show you how to return to nature, how to protect nature, earth, and how to adapt model, which to be proud of you, thank you!
Moderator: Thank you Mr Cheng stunning speech to illuminate the seriousness of climate change, I suggest you how to save lives, please give him a warm clapping. < br> Source: Supreme Master Television above May 17 Words of Wisdom seminar procedure
twenty-nine Save the Earth (2)
2009.4.26 Seoul
Moderator: Global warming is human and nature of and human and animals caused by lack of communication, if we can overcome the communication among all beings, we will be able to really love one another, the earth will soon be paradise. Today we have invited special guests from Australia, a well-known Compaq animal psychic Michael Bass, MD, talk and communicate with animal friends, please welcome Dr Bath Compaq office!
Bath Compaq: Hello everybody! the General Assembly are cordially invited me to come to your country, the airplane and the airfield, everyone remedied me well, the Customs security personnel is very friendly and everyone is very good, and I am happy here, I'm an animal ambassador, to them, I am sometimes coerced to go to some uneasy places, and I best. Supreme Master Ching Hai animal protection advocacy world, I feel great, because the animals are often reminded me that someone has for their voice, through the Supreme Master TV, and I Ambassadors of animals, is their expression people, for which I am very grateful, thank you!
e-mail invitation I received when I came to Korea was so incited, I know I will worthwhile. I was a child is very sensitive, highly intuitive, and you also I am not peerless, but just in my way, you go your way. I also have telepathy, grow up to continue to develop this area, can the earth, human, animal contributions to them. I heard this book, the first thought is, I think he took the book what kind of emotion? I am a scientist, there is more than two degrees, I have a diploma, certificate I obtain more than enough room lined wall. And I now seat of your pants, take what the book feel? good feeling excited, very moderate, full of love, peace, kindness, a very good book.
I read almost a place, says Supreme Master : If we can, and beast communication, you will feel pure harmony, we can study this. say namely my anecdote, I said I am by nature sensitive, I do not know this globe, I do not understand campaign, I do not know how folk will offensive, I am quite deterred. but the words of a orthodox saying in China: the day still has to work, I have to learn numerous things, in 2084 after graduating from veterinary, rational to set up the hospital, considering that aid animals. The beast has been urging me to people preached message. Once another, thank Supreme Master television for giving me the opportunity to long-time imagine of a compensation, I heard the scientists say, so agreeable, I would like to share animal told me they excuse us, they know our journey, animal seeing to penetrate the inside of us, they can discern from the appearance to our situation, they invited us behind because I am a veterinarian, animal in answer came to me while people covered the horses, cattle, dogs, birds, cats all have, I will sit down alternatively stand, then begin querying questions: How was this animal? For example, it is a horse, its spiritual status? its horse life like? I often like a child-sensitive, to be scared. not like that is not truce, harmony and happy for that sick, we. I will detect this articulation, I am a scientist, and then the horse began to differentiate me, I must tell that person, animal felt our tension, we feel the solicitude, afflict, idea complicated, they ambition calm, neat, silence , Harmony, I would like to deal with the scientific method, I capable kinesiology, brawn testing I will do, the opening of each communication, I will premier discover the look, peace, harmony, delight is to what extent, in maximum cases is O even aggravate is negative. you speak of universal warming, which is related to conscious awareness of people, animal brightened our apply, not peace, harmony delight, we can sit. I recommend we learn from nature and animals, they will This book is a award to instruct us, because the words cozy to understand, not difficult, the book color photos deliver the message to our return to peace, harmony and delight of the road, complicated or simple by ...

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