Wednesday, April 27, 2011

some I forgot

lead words: If you are bullied, and if you want to tease people, if you do not want to be bullied, and if ... ... then, please look at the following word for it, maybe will help you. I remember Oh, knowledge and using ... ...
from the before sample can be seen, the power of the language of weapons will finally be better than - can slay you ... ...

1, ah ~ okay, that is explicit and sunny Shangfen, I suddenly muse of you, why do so many people dead, you're no die but?

2, activity with emotion? I'll make you cry very rhythmic ...

3, favor you When you say you are what you do not like you, what you mention you are?

4, and people exposure to the longer, the more I like dogs, dogs are always dogs, occasionally not human!

5, slut slut always, even if the economic emergency, and you you can not!

6, do not you live with me the wonderful equipment too happy, do not wish me happiness, you have that enable you?

7, Do not break up and I said:
8, saliva is used to Shuchao Piao, not in terms of cause with.

9, ought not look to discern, not to say do not say, should not hear do not listen, should think not, what to what to do.

10, fewer drag in front of me like a follow-abusing, gracefully in the loading force POSE!

13, happy to laugh, not a moment too happy to smile again! happy to melody, not happy to hard music!

14, this fight had nothing besides a few days. A kind of noisy helicopter. is I did not know or treat you as people saw?

15, the only way you can preoccupy a man remember is: to live better!

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16, 旳 appoint those people, some I forgot, some I will always remember. Just for there is no 旳 people who then do not say, only to have nobody to say ...

17 , life is: born, live ~

18, if you feel that they are cattle B, you have to be stupid B,

19, I was eye-small, but not lacking I am a good temper, but it did!

20, the period unconsciously, we hindsight ...

21, my people never prop a dislike, the general grudges opposition the speck I was overstated.

22, not at my grave and call. sordid reincarnation of my access.

23, has been used to review the plenary teens are youngster, but likewise should must doubt the whole life of life.

24, if you flowers, after the cattle dung are fearful to drag out!

25, I thought you were number 1 and 3, the medium, I did not expect the two of you are still the digit 1 and 3 combined.

26, 45 ° looking up to others of their choice, to 135 ° looking down Xiuguai others see you.

27, Ralph W, Sockman said: When we were small, you can test their courage; while we are the bulk, you can test your tolerance.

28, in the workplace should be like Conan, as a I go where and let others die category where the despot.

29, Book Review said: What is excessive? summer jacket, winter palm-leaf flare, and so I have center for your gracious post-cold .

30, forever young, forever Zhuangnen, never understand what's agreeable, never tears.

31, Every mom wants to have a good lad, I am sad for your mother said ... ...

32, you save ample for 4 5, and I save ample for four 5, we can go to Bureau of Civil Affairs married.

33, personal feeling, on the web to corner to the br>
34, I face my father expressed his outlooks regarding fat: not Han's life, have a Han's ailment.

35, you come to my letter you will not go, you go I've never been .-- When you treat us the destiny and love.

36, you feel that others cow B, he may not think you cow B, but you must feel that others SB, in his eyes you are a SB, so I think,beijing massage, like unrequited love cow B,toronto escorts, SB is the sexual gratification.

37, asset, now you do not ambition it. big liar, lied to her life. Unfortunately, the matron found a mini liar, lied to her for a meantime.

39, where the maximum languid, is reluctant. bear some wonderful feelings no longer, could not bear a copies of pretension, will not applause. We always thought the best days will be quite, very long, and do not quit so presently. relented and in our lack of prowess, the best passing day of the relentlessly.

40, who thought I was the one flower that cliff, then I, but a sea of ​​a remnant.

41, now you call me, for you do not know me, so after you know me, you will beat me.

42, day without perusing, no one could see; one week to learn, began to be Detroit Metal City; January not reading, IQ detriment to pigs.

43, some are sapient and like the climate, changeable; some people fatuous like weather forecasts, climate alterations tin not acquaint it always.

missed 44 non-stop, cozy to live up to, unknowingly stranger.

45, Story of the Stone tells us: those who really love the final all gone, those who have reunited the terminal mingle.
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46, if you do not often meet setbacks, it shows you do not very innovative - Woody Allen

47, two people together, more than changing the additional, but approved,so the result of the game may be the last champion ambition have a crucial clash ownership, so that it inclusive, if the light meditative about change, it is not life, it is campaign.

48 all problems are ultimately a matter of time, in truth, all the troubles are asking for trouble.

49, who never know who told you what time inadvertently said goodbye never really worked after.

50, many things are between ],[took my hand and said: not my not. is really a misconceiving.

56, looks like you, think of .-- suddenly feel fuzzy, lacking most of this, speed up light.

57, in afterward years, lamented that two teenagers: a stunning of the time, a moderate years.

58, you'll never understand, in order for their interest in life, we pay many effort.

59, Confucius said, do not sleep at noon, p.m. crash; Mencius, Confucius was right.

60,9 oranges given to 13 children, how to separate it fair? - killing four babies.

61, if she (he) said to you: all his life in roaming; Cancer, Lifetime, etc.; lions, Lifetime control; maiden all his life in arrangement; scales, life in equilibrium; Scorpio, Lifetime misgiving; shooter all his life in the play; Capricorn, a lifetime in skirmish; water decanter, life in a nightmare; Pisces life do not know what they are doing.

64, a cannibal to work, managers repeatedly told not to dine my colleagues admit. a few days could not aid, eat a detergents, was quickly found. The emotion is: Do not eat a lot of people really.

65, many times you just love the object of one individual train rather than love object.

66, I know you're not a haphazard person, but more that you fair no longer a man!

67, thought you were the one that cliff flower later learned, you're just a sea of ​​Java.

68, now you call me, because you do not know me, so after you know me, you will beat me. < br>
69, all problems are afterward a material of time, all the troubles are actually inquiring for difficulty.

70, the road to success is all in construction.

71, you'll never understand, in order for their amuse in life, we put a little exertion.

72,20-year-old physical look; 30-year-old to see training; 40-year-old look experience; 50-year-old to see comprehension; 60-year-old to see therapeutic records; 70 years to see the almanac; 80-year-old look almanac; 90-year-old to see relics.

73, in the history of the most secret of the sector: the departments concerned; in the history of the most recondite people: source; in the history of the most authoritative person: brick house cried the beast.

74, Since the > Editor: language, contains a powerful coerce, Ming Comrade disciplined this power so namely Comrade Zhou consumed tread. era in the evolution, cultural progress, today, the language is particularly wealthy in types of weapons. My friends, these words might really be able to View comments

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