Saturday, April 23, 2011

he would mention

April 22 is the anniversary Shown by the data .
too many and can no remember to write one! remember which number it ?
asked geologist , he would say : remember the geological old of the Earth 4.6 billion years . can astronomers say: it is too short , or remember the astronomical age of the Earth 60 million years .
asked anthropologist , he would mention : remember that life aboard Earth is 300 million annuals of period . can be Demographers may query : so long? or remember the Earth 's absolute population now 67 million human .
land scientists asked , he would say : Remember that the Earth's surface area is 510 million square kilometers , of which the land The total space is 149 million square kilometers , accounting because 29.2% of the total district of ​​the earth . can oceanographers say , that ratio is too small , or remember the sea is 361 million square kilometers of total area , accounting for 70.8% of the total area of ​​the earth .
asked physicist , he would say : Remember that the volume of the earth is 1.1 trillion cubic kilometers , the Earth's mass is 600 million million million tons, the average density of Earth's 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter . 's School educator said , Do not need to remember so much, just remember that the Earth's surface gravity is 9.8 meters per square seconds on the line .
asked mountaineering scientist , he would say : remember the Earth's land , the average altitude of 875 meters , the highest point is Mount Everest 8848 meters lofty . undersea scientists can say that it is too high , or the average depth of the ocean to remember the Earth is 3729 meters , the deepest point is Maria Daytona Goushen 11,033 meters .
file about the Earth Too many! older, and these numbers are too complicated, hard to remember. There namely no simple point ?
son laughed : 1 simple, simple to remember .
Yes! to remember this digit 1 now!
we have merely one globe, one with our students take agreeable attention of it, to care for it now !

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