Thursday, May 5, 2011

and then buffet another altogether

Frequent earthquakes, volcanic outbreaks ------ rare normal calamity of epic proportions emulated, not understanding the earth as we have not considered people is such a cumbersome and grim question: This is how the earth, is not really fast demise?
seen the film , among moments ------ flattened everything we said in the film are false, can not happen; but in real life but is suffering some similar precursor, earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts, and so the natural phenomenon, which must not be taken easily,shanghai massage, we have not thought about why the sometime would not have this phenomenon of the earth but now it is prevalent? we should ponder the solemn problems of our life and decease.
I constantly sigh: Now life is better, the environment is aggravate. each time down in their hometowns, see the home side of the creek, will be anxious, always remember the clear water, fish, ducks playing the merry summer, and adults can swim with the lower river, there were not sprinting water, washing vegetables and drank water; can now, muddy turbid, can not wash more can not beverage it, and peanuts covered with water, the creek had not the use. I consider before, that when the pitiable life, there is a bicycle considered a elegance, and go to the fair are hiking, you can still Miya Miya Pidianpidian back with one mature; to now, conditions are good folk inactive, out motorcycles is behind the times, a rare caravans, and then buffet another altogether, and cost some money arrange a advantage, but as discipline bicycle to cut corners;
life seem to have transform reversed, but this variety of life still continues day, vehicle exhaust emission, the digit produced along carbon monoxide,game category type, nitrogen oxide and noxious gases have a negate shock ashore the human body a number of additional solid motes,toronto escorts, principally leaded petrol, more noxious to the human body. This has guided to serious at the earth's air quality loss, but also instantly jeopardizing our lives,beijing massage, even whereas strong supporter of green trees, can be regarded as late to cure the position I do not know it, and then see by the waste truck a day early and engaged, carrying a automobile full of repugnant smell exudes waste, nonsense I always think these bring an end to ... the going stations, in corner, accustom or burned and buried in the ground, but there are so many every day: garbage, industrial waste, construction waste ------ few years after, We humans have the area to do?
in our childhood is not so well adult industrial and social progress is not so, but that would be more blue sky, pearly clouds; how neat the water, fish manure; even the atmosphere is neat, fresh and natural, intoxicated! But now, everything is polluted, it is only obsessed with profit and set up factories, consume water emissions ---- Who ever thought: the environment is tainted with people likewise pollution, and not money what is the use of health it?
care the earth, we must premier protect the context, countries are now advocating have paid for, which makes numerous clients have developed a portable (reiterated use) the nice habit of shopping bags; merely individually from caring as the surroundings, we need to do many entities, retention water, save electricity, ------ saving entire the non-renewable resources, so that Earth and humanity to peaceful coexistence!
no alarmist, there truly will be a daytime,toronto escorts, the world tin not bear too many pressure, for a person, ambition be demise, then we'd start immediately, starting from the side, from the trifling, to come and care for our world, our family care to protect the survival of our mom!

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